Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A flash from the past

Today I went to UGA to attend a conference on improving CRCT scores...that big test that all students have to take. Well, with a short lunch, I found myself in the college cafeteria. Oh, did that bring back the memories!! However, now I guess that it is okay to sit by yourself...but back in the day I remember always being uncomfortable and HAD to sit with someone. I also realized just why I packed on Freshman 15...every year!!!! The choices where amazing. I sat down with a philly cheese steak, onion rings, tater tots and a salad. I ate it all, except the salad. Then I went to the desert bar...two types of ice cream and two cookies later I was feeling pretty miserable! Just how did I do that day after day and for HOURS!!! Thank goodness that I only had to attend that conference for one day!

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