Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to work I go

On Wednesday, I will begin a new position at my school, Math coach. I am super excited to kick off another school year. However, I am going to miss sleeping in with my daughter, seeing her smiling face all day long, hearing her sweet voice...and so much more! Even though there have been times this summer that I just want to escape from her demands and energy, I am really sad to go back to work. Much more sad this year than others. Perhaps it is her little personality or just the fact that she is growing like a weed, but what I do know is time is going by way too fast!

Last week, we managed a trip to the zoo with Courtney and Caleb. A house warming party for Jimmy and Kristen, complete with a blow up water slide that Kiley just loved. As you can see in the pictures, she dove right back in after we changed out of her bathing suit. And had a cookout with new friends that live in the neighborhood with us, The Broadnax Family. We have one last trip to Tybee Island before we (Kiley and I) return to the real world. It's been fun, but in Kiley's
words we need "to make the money"!

When I told Kiley to use the brush (on the goats), she tried to "brush" her teeth.

Caleb Gilbert and Kiley Fanning riding the train. Kiley was so scared in the train tunnel. She kept saying, "It's over! We're done!" When we tried to get off, she wanted back on!

Kiley soaked and loving it!

Daddy and Kiley had a blast!

Haley Broadnax knew the perfect way to share the 4 wheeler! Kiley loved pushing her!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend with the Wagners

Kiley and Aiden

We enjoyed having the Wagners come and visit us last weekend. The little ones were a joy to watch. Aiden (3) loved riding the tricycle and bike down the hill in our backyard. He raised is feet up and came flying down. Kiley fascinated by Aiden's trick decided she would attempt this stunt too. This is when the girly-girl came out in her. She needed/wanted help pushing the toys up the hill. Aiden, being quite the gentleman, helped her push up the toys and also reposition the handle bars. It was so much fun to see Kiley's face as she took on a new adventure in her life. I was a bit worried about her being the overprotective mom. Although she fell a few times, she came out unscathed. It was fun to see some adventure come out in her. I think by the end of the weekend, Aiden was pretty tired of her. She was just like a puppy following him around. First thing this morning, "Where is Aiden?"

Riding bikes in the backyard

Yellow River Game Ranch

Mitch and JC swinging the kiddos

Monday, July 13, 2009

Swim Lessons-Day 1

We had a great first day at swim lessons at SwimAtlanta. Kiley did great for the first 20 minutes...the last 10 were a little rough. She decided that about 20 minutes of listening was about all she could do. We are lucky, because there is only one other kid besides her. They began by singing "Wheels on the Bus" (which she loves) to get started. Going "around" the pool and "up and down" in the water. Next, they sang "Row, Row, Row your Boat" to get the little ones to move their arms. She also blew bubbles in the water. It was great. Can't wait to see what she learns next. We will continue with lessons for 2 weeks, M-Th.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday, Kiley!

(just days old)

(1st birthday)

(2nd birthday)

This week my little pumpkin turned two. What joy and love she has brought us! We have been truly blessed to be with family and friends at this special time. Happy Birthday Kiley! WE love you so much! (details to come later...) How quickly the years go by!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sing a little Tune

I was actually able to video Kiley singing one of our favorites, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". She is also playing her instrument. We really wish Uncle Billy lived closer to give her some guitar lessons. We just might have a little music star on our hands, you never know!

Father's Day recap

We had a great day visiting the Yellow River Game Ranch on Father's Day! Kiley absolutely loves animals. It was so funny to watch her. The animals would get right up next to her, then she would tease with the food she used to bribe them. (Scared, a little) She chased a goat around saying, "Come here, puppy!"

JC bought Kiley an Elmo kite to fly in the back yard for the special day...but she didn't quite grasp the concept and was very upset that she could not touch the kite at all times. Leave it to my daughter to not like kites!

Overall, a very fun day! Happy Father's day to all those wonderful DAD's out there!