Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Fanning #2

On September 1st, we found out we were expecting our 2nd child! We are so excited to be parents again. Kiley has been "eyeing" the babies for quiet sometime, and she is so excited to be a Big Sister.

However, this pregnancy is very different from the first. This time I had "symptoms" like an aversion to coffee, tiredness and your typical "soreness". I had none of these symptoms with Kiley. We had our first doctor's appointment in September 16 to confirm the pregnancy and find out the due date. The doctor explained due to my cycle my due date was around May 22nd, but after she examine me, she believed I was a little further along. My due date changed to May 15. To be sure, I was scheduled to come back for an ultrasound to determine my "real" due date. This again, is much different, because I only received one ultrasound with Kiley at 20 weeks.

On October 1st, (the next appointment) we were shocked to hear that I was 10 weeks pregnant. We heard the baby's heartbeat, saw it's little body, along with it's hands and feet. The due date is now April 28th!!!

I am now feeling much better and not nearly as tired as in those first months. I am back to drinking my coffee (decaf, of course and now with lots of flavored creamer!) I am already struggling with the temptation of sweets and fried food. Although at this time, I am still wearing my regular clothing the jeans are getting pretty tight! I haven't put on any pounds yet, but I am getting bigger! I pulled out the maternity clothes, but I'm just not quite ready for those yet.

Here is my 11 week photo. Looking much bigger here than I thought. I am hoping it is the shirt! We will be returning to the doctor in early November.


  1. hmmm, curious to see when the baby is actually born. Congrats again. hope this pregnancy goes well. your belly for sure pops out a lot faster the second time around.

  2. Thanks, Sarah! We are so very excited! I really have no idea when this baby will actually come. We need some sort of "guess the date" pool! Only time will tell.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better--I hear the second time around can be very different from the first (and that yes, the tummy does pop more quickly). You look tiny in that picture, though. You have a long way to go before you look pregnant :)
