Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Holidays

Allyson and Kiley --Christmas Morning

Well, it is hard to believe the holidays have come and gone. The tree is finally down, the pictures downloaded, and presents put away (mostly). We really enjoyed the holidays with our girls. Christmas day was spent in GA...complete with SNOW. (It has not snowed in Georgia on Christmas day since 1882!) Then, we made the big drive to IL with the girls to visit our families. We are so lucky to have great travelers. The girls were great! Here are some pictures of our holiday fun.

Kiley is always a big helper!

Kiley and Ally in the Snow in IL

Allyson FIRST snow

We were luck to get all the Range family together at my Grandpa Vern's.  Here are just some of the cousins.  Waiting on Aunt Sherry to send me pictures of the entire group!  I am not even sure just how many of them where in attendance that day.  We sure had a great time and enjoyed watching Kiley and Allyson play with everyone.  Pictured is Ally and Kiley, Debra and Faith, Elly and Stephanie, then Katelyn

Even the flu bug couldn't keep us from seeing my brothers family! Thankfully, they only had the 24 hour bug. 
First Cousins
Ellen, Leah, Katelyn and Ally (back row)
Kiley, Ben and Ethan (front row)
Of course, I am the photographer that cut Kiley off...go figure.  It sure is hard getting 7 kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time!

Playing Bingo at Moms

We made a trip to
White Hall to see my mom's brother and sister.
My cousins (mom's side)
Tara w/Liam(5 months) , Carrie w/Abby (8 months) and me with Ally (8 months)

We took a day to go see Granny.  So glad that Aunt Betty brought Ben and Owen to meet us!

Kiley and Ally opening gifts at Grandpa and Grandma Fannings

Just wanted to show you some attitude of my daughters.....

Kiley played hard!

Grandma Sara, Katelyn and Kiley playing London Bridge at Great Grandpa Verns

Sometimes...we have to chat about our behavior.....I just love this pic!

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