Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ally: 10 months

I can't believe how quickly Ally's first 10 months has past.  What joy Ally has brought our family!  At 10 months, Ally has really let her sense of humor show.  She laughs...even at herself.  She also makes a funny smile and wrinkles up her nose...I love it, but lets face it, its a smirk, for when she is doing something she shouldn't.  She is still trying to walk.  Ally can stand and clap (so I know she can balance herself) and take a step, then she falls.  She also is taking a "in between" step from the ottoman to the couch and things like that.  She loves the little horse that she can ride and she bounces hard on it, smiles and giggles.  Her laughter is contagious!  She also thinks Yo Gabba Gabba is pretty cool.  She doesn't actually sit down and watch it, but it does capture her attention and she begins to bounce to the music. Oh, and she thinks that Big Sis is hilarious!

My Ferberized baby, is unFerberized.  With ear infections and a cold, her great sleeping habits went out the door.  In fact, she is HARDER now to put to sleep than she has ever been.  Sometimes I even have to "swing" her to sleep.  She is up two of three times a night and just cries.  She cries until we give her milk.  The child is still only drinking like 4-5 ounces at a time, so it is no wonder she is hungry (she is also still only in the 25-50% for weight too).  I later find her back in our bed again around midnight or so, but honestly, part of me likes it.  So soon my girls will be grown up and well, I don't even really want to think about that.

So far I have found NOTHING she does not like.  Ally enjoys eating with us and EVERYTHING we eat she wants.  I also find myself giving her a taste of this or that (cookies, cake, etc).  That is something I would have never done with Kiley. Although, we mostly feed her baby food still (due to convenience), she really likes baked beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, those Gerber Veggies Sticks(almost like cheese puffs), dried apple pieces, green beans, rice...just to name a few.

Big Sister Love:
It is amazing to me, what a loving relationship my two girls have (keeping my fingers crossed that this continues).  Kiley is still Ally's biggest cheerleader.  I crack up when Kiley is so proud of Ally.  Ally recently started playing with a toy that you can put balls in and it counts the number of balls.  Kiley let out her high pitched voiced and excitedly stated, "Yay, Ally!  You did it!  I am so proud of you!"  She is also cheering her on with every "step" Ally takes...."Mom, she did it!  She is walking!  Mom, Ally is crawling!"  The excitement in Kiley's voice is evident!  "It's too bad they don't like each other,"  my husband commented as we watched our two girls riding in the jeep together.  Well, whether they are riding in the jeep or in the wagon, you are sure to see two smiling sisters enjoying each others company, while not really saying a word.  Of course, we still have times when Kiley asks me to put Ally in her bed so that Kiley and I can have some cuddle time, but that is understandable.

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