Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Recital, Birthday and Easter

Ally celebrated her birthday, May 1st with friends.  Here is one of my favorite pictures of the day. 
Happy First Birthday, Allyson!  Wow!  ONE....I can't believe how fast this year has passed.  Ally has brought such joy to our family!  She is a very sweet girl with lots of personality.

Her first birthday was actually the day before Easter.  Not really a good day to have a party since all of our friends would be traveling or hosting their own Easter celebrations.  However, we were excited that Bill and Pam were able to make it to Georgia  for the weekend full of events.

Thursday Night--Kiley's Dance Recital
This is NOT your typical dance recital.  It was a musical, The Wiz.  Kiley's part was to play a munchkin.  The outfit, well, it was priceless.  I paid $65 for Kiley to wear a pair of purple sweatpants and non-matching purple shirt that were more than likely purchased at Goodwill (yes, you could tell that they were not new), that they hot glued curling ribbon onto the clothes.  I guess to make it flashy.  Regardless, not the dance recital I was hoping for, but she was cute nonetheless.

Friday-Colored Eggs

Saturday (Ally's Real Birthday!)--was interrupted by Pam becoming ill and later than night, Kiley was ill as well.  The Lance's joined us for dinner, but the birthday cake and celebration would have to wait.

Not our typical Easter either.  We were all exhausted and Bill and Pam left bright and early to get back to Illinois.  The girls enjoyed their Easter Baskets, books and toys.  We spent most of the day on the couch.   I really wanted to get lots of pictures of the girls, but it didn't happen.  Next time.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day

My mother's day could not have been more special.  We went to Villa Christina for  brunch, the same place JC and I got married almost 5 years ago.  The girls had a blast.  Kiley played on the bouncy house and slide, Ally walked around getting attention from her "squeaky" shoes, all the while JC and I  sipped Mimosas outside on  a beautiful day.   Oh, I almost forgot right before we left, Kiley decided she wanted her face painted. They had many choices, dragons, flowers, crowns, butterflies, but  Kiley picked a  dragon to be painted on  her arm.  Really?  Out of all the choices, she picked a dragon.  I won't be surprised if she has tattoos like her dad some day...I sure hope not!  Anyways, it was a perfect day.  Can't wait to go back again next year!

Ally loved the attention from her shoes

JC, Brandy and Ally (Kiley was too busy playing)

Kiley (getting ready to make an "ugly" face)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kiley's First Swim Lesson

Last Monday, Kiley started swim lessons at the YMCA in Winder.  It is not her first swim lesson, but her first swim lesson without me assisting her.  She is having a blast!  Also, I am amazed how excited she is and how proud she is of herself.  When she is done with one of her "lessons",  she comes running up to hug me and Ally and tells us how much she loves us.  She also gives us a big thumbs up and her smile says it all.  She is just beaming!  Makes me proud too! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ear relief!

May 2: Tubes
It has been months of chronic ear infections for Ally.  Last Tuesday, when we visited the ENT, Dr. Sipp pulled out about an inch worth of "junk" out of her left ear.  Her left ear had ruptured, healed and then was compacted with tissue and gunk that couldn't get out, and infected again.  (I was really embarrassed at first, I thought she had stuck something in her ear! ) Regardless, it was gross!  No wonder the poor thing couldn't hear when she was in the sound booth!

JC and I couldn't wait for this day to come, in hopes that we (all 3 of us) would soon be getting some "real" uninterrupted sleep and relief for Ally as well.  Ally is a very happy baby, but her sleep comes in spurts at night.  On average, JC and I are up about every 3 hours with Ally.  She usually fusses a little (or a lot) takes a few sips of her bottle (milk or water), and then goes back to sleep, elevated by our pillows or even lays across my belly to elevate her head.  Regardless, we feel bad for her, so every night she starts in her own crib, and somehow always ends up between JC and I in the morning.  Sweet, but not, because WE are TIRED!  Hopefully, wiith tubes, we won't feel so sorry for her and she will have to cry it out, in her crib. Tough Love!  (Not really looking forward to that, either)

Even though the procedure went well, she had  A LOT of bleeding, so now the tubes are probably already filled with dry blood.  (So no sleep relief quite yet!) Back to the ENT on Thursday!

Waiting to be seen

Waiting in the room

Playing and waiting
Ally was a great patient on Monday, especially considering that she had to be exhausted (birthday party the day before) and hungry! 

After surgery, it was so heart wrenching  to see Ally come out of the anesthetic, she was NOT happy.  We tried to give her a bottle of apple juice (yes, a bottle, I haven't transistioned to the sippy cup yet) , but she wasn't having it.  She only drinks milk and water. It was a tough morning, but I spent most of the afternoon, cuddled with her on the that was not so bad.  I enjoyed every minute of it!!  Love you Ally Gray, and let's hope you can hear us better now and get some quality sleep!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Break 2011: Texas

What a great 10 day adventure in Texas!   Here is a QUICK VIEW of Our trip.  It started in Dallas, with a quick visit  with The Pickle Family.  They were thrilled to finally meet Ally!  
Riley and Allyson

Riley and Kiley enjoying the pool 

Then, we traveled to Austin to visit with JC's brother and his family. We were so excited to finally meet our new niece, Evelyn. What a sweet baby!

Will joined us on our adventures everyday.  By the end of the week, Kiley and Will were acting just like siblings!  We had a great time and the kids were fantastic.   This picture and the two beneath it were  taken outside the Iron Cactus (where we had lunch).

Looks like Kiley was letting Will have it!  I love her attitude in this picture!

Kiley and Will at Zilker Park

Kiley, Ally, and Will after riding the train at Zilker park

Town Lake!

Amy's Ice Cream--YUM!

She loved the fountain! 

 We also spent one day in San Antonio, exploring SeaWorld. What a great time had by all!

JC, Kiley, Uncle Billy and Will took one moring to visit the airshow.  Looks like they had a great time! (pictures below)

We had a great time and the girls were fantastic travelers! It's always great spending time with family friends. Can't wait to get eveyone back together again at Christmas.