Friday, November 11, 2011

Last days of October

Fall 2011
Soccer-I am really sad to say that the fall soccer league has ended. Kiley really showed off in her last game by scoring goal after goal. I think she made 6...but who is counting, right? She has really improved this year, but I have to admitt that she is still a bit lazy. If the ball isn't close to her, she doesn't really try very hard to go get it. But when she decides she wants to do something--WATCH OUT!

Ally loves soccer too!  She can dribble! 

Papa giving her a pep talk about standing still....didn't really work :)

Kiley showing off her skills.
Kiley's First Field Trip-Corn Dawgs
When I first knew of Kiley's field trip, I asked her, "Who do you want to go on your field trip with you?  Mommy or Daddy?"  Much to my surprise, she answered, " Well, really I don't want either of you to go?" Needless to say, my heart was broken. These are those little things you look forward to your whole life (well, I do anyway). Long story short, finally I talked her into letting me go with her.

Cow Train

Stiking a pose?!   I so don't want her to grow up any more!!

With Kylee Walker and her best friend, Daniel
I usually have so much fun dressing my girls in matching costumes, but I just couldn't make it happen this year.  Kiley wanted to be a bat, and she thought Ally should be a pumpkin.  No problem, right?  Well, the pumpkin costume was easy!  Kiley on the other hand, was not.  And it had nothing to do with her being picky, I just couldn't find anything appropriate in her size.  The costumes out there are so revealing!  Yikes!Anyway, we searched and then became desperate...her choices were Jessie (Toystory), Buzz, Woody (yes, anything boyish! and nothing with a skirt), a cat (but it had to be a costume, not just ears and a tail).... It wasn't until she saw her cousin, Will, in a Spiderman costume that she finally opted for Wonder Woman. I thought she looked pretty cute! We had a great Halloween, but about an hour was all we could do.  The girls were tired, and Kiley wanted to hand out her own candy to tricker-treaters. 

Ally really enjoyed Halloween.  She was perfect with manners and everything.  She was even able to open her own candy, much to my surprise!  Once I looked back at her in the wagon, in one hand a sucker, shoved in her face and in the other a piece of laffy taffy (opened,  half eaten).  What can I say, the girl loves her candy! 

The Lance Pumpkin Party
We had a great time celebrating fall activites with the Lance Family.  The girls found "bugs" in the hay, hit the pinata, hunted for dog bones (Kiley found the most!), played stick the gum on the witches nose, and so much more.  It turned cold, so no bobbing for apples. Which from the picture, you can tell that Kiley was really excited about trying that one!  Thank you, Misty and Joey, for a wonderful evening!
Ready for the Party

Me with Ally and Cole

She really wanted an apple!

Listening to directions...well, kind of

Ally with her papa and Cole with his Daddy

Pumpkin Patch-Washington Farms
We had an awesome time at the pumpkin patch with the girls this year.  Kiley had so much fun trying to find some pumpkins that were still on the vine.  She was so funny trying to pull them off...and of course, Ally was quick to try and do the same (not as successful as her big sis).  I was surprised that we only came home with 3 pumpkins and nothing really HUGE either.  It was  a perfect day with the family.

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