Wednesday, February 15, 2012

They just keep growing up!

Each milestone with my girls, just reminds me how quickly life is passing by.  Although I am enjoying watching them grow--I'm realizing that I no longer have a baby....

Last weekend, JC officially decided it was time to buy Ally some big girl panties.  She had been putting on Kiley's undies and occasionally peeing and more in the potty.   I don't really think of us potty training, it seems so early, but I guess she is ready.  On Monday evening, I put panties on her after school, and she kept her panties dry until bedtime. Yay Ally!

I think Kiley is the true "trainer".  She is such a big cheerleader for Ally.  After Ally pottys, Kiley rewards her with treats.  (Something I guess we did for Kiley and she remembers!)  My poor Ally has had more candy than Kiley ever did at this age.  In fact, I would go as far to say that chocolate is Ally's favorite food...and food group.  Anyway, the point is that Ally is doing an awesome job at being a big girl!

And it is bittersweet, to watch the girls grow up. Love being the momma of these two sweet girls!

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