Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kiley having fun

Kiley had an awesome day today. She really enjoyed the pool and slide. Check her out!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Incident at Daycare

Last week, Kiley was bitten by a little boy at daycare. My first question to Ms. Kim was, "Did Kiley do something to get bit?" As we all know, most kids bit for a reason. Well, Kiley was trying to take the little boys cookies at snack time. Can't say that I blame the kid for biting her. I ask for them to be separated at snack time because I can't guaranty that my little piglet won't do it again. Kiley and I had a talk about taking things that aren't hers, but not sure she understood a word of what I said. I had to chuckle a little at the situation. My little one likes to eat!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is that MY daughter...

I have been saying for months now that I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I just like to be on the move, socializing, and have somewhat of a routine. I hated to say it, but I was ready to go back to work. Kiley was becoming a little "needy". I also felt that she was just "over" me. Boy, I couldn't have been more right. It has been 2 days now, and she cries when I come and pick her up from daycare. She acknowledges my presence, brings me a toy, and then she goes on about her business. Can we say that she pretty much resembles my habits? So, I guess I have to continue work, while my daughter enjoys her work (school) as well. She has also started going to bed with out being rocked or cuddled. Tonight when JC and I told her night- night and put her in bed, she didn't even cry. Kind of makes me feel a little sad.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Family Fun

Kiley w/ Grandma Pam @ park Kiley w/ Grandma + Grandpa Range Kiley and Katelyn

Well, I can't believe that Kiley and I made the trip to Illinois by ourselves. Was I crazy? However, the 12 hour car ride was not so bad. Kiley was a trooper! We are so happy that we were able to visit with family. I don't think I have ever packed so much in one week before. Unfortunately, the weather didn't quite cooperate with all that we had planned. It rained everyday, with 90% humidity....yuck! We were able to find time to shop, swim, play at the park, go out for pizza (twice), attend a carnival, and visit with family and friends.