Saturday, August 9, 2008

Incident at Daycare

Last week, Kiley was bitten by a little boy at daycare. My first question to Ms. Kim was, "Did Kiley do something to get bit?" As we all know, most kids bit for a reason. Well, Kiley was trying to take the little boys cookies at snack time. Can't say that I blame the kid for biting her. I ask for them to be separated at snack time because I can't guaranty that my little piglet won't do it again. Kiley and I had a talk about taking things that aren't hers, but not sure she understood a word of what I said. I had to chuckle a little at the situation. My little one likes to eat!

1 comment:

  1. A girl after my own heart...who wouldn't do almost anything, including stealing, for a delicious cookie??
