Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is that MY daughter...

I have been saying for months now that I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I just like to be on the move, socializing, and have somewhat of a routine. I hated to say it, but I was ready to go back to work. Kiley was becoming a little "needy". I also felt that she was just "over" me. Boy, I couldn't have been more right. It has been 2 days now, and she cries when I come and pick her up from daycare. She acknowledges my presence, brings me a toy, and then she goes on about her business. Can we say that she pretty much resembles my habits? So, I guess I have to continue work, while my daughter enjoys her work (school) as well. She has also started going to bed with out being rocked or cuddled. Tonight when JC and I told her night- night and put her in bed, she didn't even cry. Kind of makes me feel a little sad.

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