Monday, November 10, 2008

The 1st Annual Fanning Beer Festival

Amy and Andy Teck, Misty and Joey Lance, Greg and Stephanie Wassel

The 1st Annual Fanning Beer Festival!
For clarification purposes it is important to define the phrase "Beer Festival". Per Wikipedia - "A Beer Festival is an organized event during which a variety of beers are available for tasting and purchase."

Please do not confuse the previous definition with the actual definition per Fanningpedia - "A Beer Festival is a last minute, thrown together, informal gathering where multiple friends congregate to drink beer and watch the Bulldogs kick the crap out of Vandy."

In lieu of charging a large entry fee or making people purchase tickets in advance, we decided have a food and beer "pot luck". Couples wer asked to bring their favorite beer for themselves to mass consume and a six pack of "something different" for everyone to taste.

It was a successful celebration. Can't wait for next year! Thanks to all for making the event so much fun... Scrabble anyone?


  1. Love it! Wish we could have been there to have a beer (or two) with you. Billy told me some good stories from that night that JC shared w/ him...heh...
    Looking forward to seeing you guys next week! Whoop!

  2. How Sad... Your beer fest friends weren't even there! boo hoo
