Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Will!

What a great time we
had in Austin, TX visiting with family and friends for our nephew, Will's 1st birthday! We are so lucky how often we are able to spend time with the family even though we live hundreds of miles away. I really enjoyed watching Kiley and Will interact together. They are getting so big, so fast! With Will being only about 4 1/2 months younger than Kiley, I found myself forgetting so many things I did with her just months prior. For instance, it seems likes so long ago since I had to make a bottle, put the car seat in facing backwards, and so many other things I have already forgotten! I know my memory is just going to get worse as time flies on past! Anyway, thank you Billy and Michele for a wonderful weekend. Oh, and do you think Will can teach Kiley how to relax a little? He is such a laid back baby!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making the trek! It was great to have you celebrate with us PS: I think Will was just drugged, not laid back :)
