Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome, Allyson Gray

Baby Allyson Gray was welcomed into the world on April 23, 2010 at 8:15 pm. She weighed 7lbs 14 oz. and 21.5 inches long. She is doing great!

What a great experience! I was admitted into the hospital at 7am to be induced. At 1:30, Dr. Simonsen broke my water. The epidural was given a little later and then we waited...and waited....and waited! At 8pm, we were getting set up to push! At 8:10 we started and Ally arrived within 5 minutes! She was placed on my stomach and JC cut the cord. She was cleaned up and my parents were able to join us in the room. Within the hour, she was nursing! Misty and Joey came to the hospital also,with our older daughter Kiley. (A big thank you to Misty and Joey for helping us with Kiley!) Kiley was so excited and welcomed her sister with open arms. All she wanted to do was hold her. She even became upset when the nurse came to check Ally and give her a bath. Luckily, Kiley was able to watch the nurse's every move. It was a great night and we are anxiously waiting for Kiley and my parents to visit us today!


  1. So happy for you guys--can't wait to meet her! Hope you are managing to get a little rest here and there.

  2. You're so welcome... it was an incredible day!

  3. Congratulations!!! Such an exciting time for you all! Enjoy it!!
