Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It Happens

I feel so bad for my sweet daughter. While standing at our granite kitchen counter eating Apple Jacks, her step stool slid and she fell. Apple Jacks flying, Kiley crying and when I got to her, her lips were glossed with blood. I just knew she hit her teeth and was expecting them to just fall out when she opened her mouth. Thankfully, to my surprise, they were all intact and no puncture wounds on the outside of her face! She did, however, completely rip the tissue that attaches the teeth to the lips. I was amazed at how quickly she stopped crying, drank water and asked for more Apple Jacks. I am so thrilled that she is not injured as badly as I thought. However, I do just feel horrible for her. I know this is minor, and just a slight glimpse of some the blood we are going to see in the years to come. Maybe that is why I have this horrible guilt and knot in my stomach—because these kinds of things are going to happen and there is nothing we (parents) can do about it.

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